Is Alcoholism Hereditary or Genetic?
It is becoming increasingly easy, and the costs are rapidly decreasing, to detect rare variants using next-generation sequencing. Sequencing is rapidly becoming the key tool for characterization of the genetic basis of human diseases 84. Clearly very large sample sizes are required to detect large panels of rare variants and there are significant bioinformatic requirements to deal with vast quantities of data.
The genetics of alcohol dependence
- You may have a higher genetic predisposition, but the underlying causes of AUD are multifaceted and complex.
- It modulates the activity of neurons by binding to GABA-specific receptors in their cell membranes and literally inhibiting their responsiveness to signaling.
- Some researchers have hypothesized that there may be large panels of rare functional variants, each of large effect, that predict risk for alcoholism with different variants occurring in different people.
- Until we get there, research will continue focusing on identifying genetic variants and possible mechanisms behind risk.
The availability of parent‐offspring trio GWAS data in COGA facilitates examination of the environmental mechanisms through which parental genotypes influence offspring outcomes. In a recent application of these “nature of nurture” models in COGA,124 parental polygenic scores were partitioned into alleles that were transmitted and nontransmitted to the child. The results from structural equation models were consistent with the idea that parental genotypes for alcohol problems influenced the likelihood of familial disruption and discord, and in turn children’s alcohol outcomes. Exposure to parental relationship discord and parental divorce mediated, in part, the transmission of genetic risk for alcohol problems from parents to children to predict earlier ages regular drinking and intoxication, greater lifetime maximum drinks and more lifetime AUD criteria. Of note, these effects were observed in the European but not African ancestry families, underscoring the need for further empirical attention to nature of nurture processes in samples of non‐European ancestry.
Alcohol Use Disorder Should Be Treated Now
The severity of your addiction is determined by how many criteria you have met, with two or three signifying a mild addiction and six or more signifying a severe SUD. Published today in Nature Mental Health, the study was led by researchers at the Washington University in St. Louis, along with more than 150 coauthors from around the world. It was supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Institute on Aging. These findings are important for researchers because of similar overlap with other addictive behavior, said lead researcher Prof. Abraham Palmer.
- Likewise, genetic variation may determine increased vulnerability to relapse in response to stressors.
- Neurons that respond to acetylcholine–described as cholinergic neurons–also have an important role in modulating the overall balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain.
- Critics have argued that genetic research into alcohol dependence and other forms of addiction, including smoking, is not cost-effective from a public health perspective.
- Alcohol tolerance refers to the amount of alcohol you must drink to achieve desired effects.
Genetics of alcohol-associated diseases
In the 4th edition of the DSM (DSM-IV), alcohol dependence (AD) and abuse were considered as mutually exclusive diagnoses that together made up AUDs. DSM-V14, 15 on the other hand consolidated AD and abuse as a single disorder as AUD15,16. By considering AD and abuse under single umbrella increased the number of diagnosed subjects, but this number was still not large enough to design powerful GWAS studies. Therefore, many genetic studies of alcoholism also concentrated on nonclinical phenotypes, such as alcohol consumption and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)17–19, from large population based cohorts. The AUDIT, a 10-item, self-reported test was developed by the World Health Organization as a screen for hazardous and harmful drinking and can be used as a total (AUDIT-T), AUDIT-Consumption (AUDIT-C) and AUDIT-Problems (AUDIT-P) sub-scores. With the advent of microarrays that can measure hundreds of thousands tomillions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the genome,genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have provided a relatively unbiased wayto identify specific genes that contribute to a phenotype.